jeudi 3 décembre 2015

* October - Palm Coast *

I know I've been out of my blog, but I was a little bit busy. I'll try to work on it.

Last October, I visited my Grandparents in Florida. They live in Palm Coast, which is near Daytona.
Here are some pictures from my trip.



St Augustin

Palm Coast - Flager Beach


Hope you've enjoyed it :)
J-C Lynn

* Christmas movies *

Hi everyone,

I don't know about you guys, but when come November I have to resist not watching Christmas movies. Once the 1th of December, I'm finally allowing me to watch them.

Here I my top five. 

I'm not going to lie, they are classics but I just love them.

Love Actually
The best way to start December.

Bridget Jones Diary
We all have a Daniel Cleaver in our life.

Miracle on 34th Street
The perfect Christmas movie to make you believe in miracle.

Home Alone : Lost in New York
Because, Harry has reached the top!

Home Alone

If you want to spice it all a little the Hallmark Christmas movies are quite cute, even do they will never top my top 5.

What are your favourite Christmas movies?

J-C Lynn

* Wish List #17 *

Another month ...
Another wish list!

J-C Lynn